Delegation from University of International Business & Economics, Including President Xia Wenbin, Visiting Distinguished Alumnus Dr. Chen Hongtian

On 18 September 2020, President Xia Wenbin of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and representatives of UIBE's Guangdong Alumni Association visited Dr. Chen Hongtian, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, a Justice of the Peace appointed by the HKSAR, Chairman of Harmony Club and Chairman of Cheung Kei Group. During the meeting held in Guangzhou, President Xia Wenbin presented Dr. Chen Hongtian with a certificate of acknowledgement as a permanent honorary president of the UIBE's Guangdong Alumni Association. During the meeting, participants looked back onto the camaraderie of the university, and plans for the development of the school.

President Xia Wenbin presented Dr. Chen Hongtian with a certificate of acknowledgement as apermanent honorary president of the UIBE's Guangdong Alumni Association.

Dr. Chen Hongtian first shared his entrepreneurial journey and career insights with President Xia Wenbin and the delegation, and introduced the achievements and future plans of Cheung Kei Group. He said that as a UIBE alumnus, he has always been concerned about the continual development alma mater, and has always actively supported its academic research, nurturing of talents, and development of its infrastructure. Dr. Chen then added that he would continue to contribute to his alma mater in the future.

On behalf of the university, President Xia Wenbin expressed his gratitude to Dr. Chen Hongtian for his support and selfless contribution to his alma mater, and applauded Dr. Chen as an outstanding representative of UIBE, for not forgetting his roots, and always keeping the country in his heart. He also expressed his delight at Dr. Chen Hongtian's career achievements and his hope that other UIBE alumni would follow Dr Chen Hongtian's example, and continue the fine UIBE tradition of "never forgetting our roots, forging ahead boldly, always staying patriotic, and taking responsibility."

Dr. Chen Hongtian was admitted to UIBE's School of International Trade and Economics in 2005, and receivedhis PhD in Economics from senior Professor Wang Linsheng. Dr. Chen is also a member of Council of the UIBE, a visiting professor, and the Honorary President of UIBE's Shenzhen Alumni Association and Guangdong Alumni Association. Over the years, he has made generous donations to his alma mater, and has supported the university's key developmental phase at different stages, and has donated over RMB 30 million to support the school. In recognition of Dr Chen's outstanding contribution to the university, UIBE has named a new gymnasium completed in 2014 as the "Hongtian Gymnasium".

Group photo to commemorate the occasion.

Wang Qiang and Hong Junjie, UIBE Vice Presidents; Wang Qiang, Assistant to the Principal; Chu Hongsheng, Party Affairs Office Executive deputy director; Li Xiaomeng, Director of the International Cooperation & Exchange Office; Yang Xiaoping, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Law Faculty; Wang Xiaojun and Miao Qi, Deputy Secretaries-General of the UIBE Alumni Association; Gao Lei, an official of the Party Committee Office; Cai Chunlin, President of the UIBE's Guangdong Alumni Association; Huo Xiaoyan, Secretary of the UIBE's Guangdong Alumni Association; and UIBE's Guangdong Alumni Association's Executive President Luo Jiehua, Secretary-General's Wu Kunqiang, Supervisor Yang Qibiao, Vice Presidents Peng Bo and Xia Xiaohui, Honorary President Li Ping, Deputy Secretary-General Liu Xilong, Council Member Liu Da, and member Zhang Ronghe were also in attendance at the meeting.