The Culture of Being a Gentleman

A good person should be ambitious in his/ her work, responsible for his/ her life, brave to take challenge and treat others with good manners. In addition to possessing all the good qualities of a good person, a good person should also have good moral standards, strong personalities, dignity and a career, as well as be well-educated, able to think. What's more, a good person should not go with the stream; and he/ she should be neither cringing nor arrogant and always keeps his/ her promise. We should carry forward the "culture of being a good person ". (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)


    "Who understands the world is learned, and who understands the self is enlightened."  - Lao Zi

    To know about positioning:

    What is your mindset for working for others? Time will tell you whether you were right or wrong, your decisions are right or wrong, you have overestimated yourself or not. (From the volume 1 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To gain a foresight:

    To be successful, people should not be afraid of suffering losses. People should have a sense of responsibility and of mission. What's more, people should consider things in the long run and look at the bigger picture, with insights into the deep meaning. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To consider the overall interests:

    If a person is narrow minded and only thinks about personal interests without considering the overall situation, he or she can never succeed nor achieve anything. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)


     "If a person wants to cultivate his or her character, this person must first build a positive mind. Only after the positive mind is built can he or she cultivate a fine character." – The Great Learning.

    To be loyal:

    When an employee or a manager does not recognize nor has any feelings for the company, he or she would necessarily be a disloyal person. A disloyal person will not be put in an important position because this person will not defend the company's honor nor fight for the company's best interests. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To stick to moral principles:

    People should stick to moral principles and loyalty. For his own subordinates, Li Yunlong (TV play "Drawing Sword") who is loyal and dares to take responsibility fully demonstrates his manliness at the crucial moment. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To exert positive influence:

    A good entrepreneur, an official, a scholar or a professional manager should keep in mind: A person should have confidence in himself/ herself, society, the future, his/ her country, his/ her own company and his/ her own work; and should often project confidence and exert positive influence. (From the volume 3 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)


    “To achieve perfection.” - Origin of Chinese Characters

    To work hard:

    Everyone has to work hard to get a good life and bright future. Moreover, how much a person can achieve is almost positively correlated with how hard he/she works. (From the volume 3 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To know how far to go and when to stop:

    When a person acts, this person should know how far to go and when to stop. We can conclude that if a person is more educated and has a higher social status, this person can master a better way to deal with people and society; otherwise, the situation will be the other way around. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To achieve perfection:

    Values will influence the direction that generation after generation work toward. Just as some people think that it is ok to do things in a casual way, some others think that it is a must to do things seriously. It is easy to be casual but troublesome to be serious minded. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)


    “A person of virtue must be brave.” – The Confucian Analects

    To be brave:

    Like all business owners, I prefer employees or professional managers who are brave to assume responsibilities; and I dislike employees who are not brave enough to assume responsibilities or deny any responsibilities whenever the work goes wrong. (From the volume 3 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To not to complain:

    The strong creates opportunities, the wise waits for opportunities and the weak complains about having no opportunities every day. (From the volume 3 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To be able to correct mistakes:

    Inevitably, mistakes would occur in the process of everyone's development and this also applies to enterprises. A business management process or a mistake correction process is like a development process of every person or enterprise. So I do not think that past mistakes have a big impact on a person or an enterprise, nor will I have a very bad impression on a person or an enterprise that had made mistakes. (From the volume 3 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)


    “Modest people can often find out their own deficiencies, and then improve themselves.” – Book of Changes - Modesty

    To be broad minded:

    I give high praise to broad-minded people. However, according to my experience, it is very painful for people to develop a broad mind, which requires great endurance and an unconventional mind. Successful people are usually very polite, broad-minded and tolerant with good manners. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To be more tolerant:

    Will it be possible that every person, media and the society can give more tolerance and less harm to others when speak or do things? Can you give others more blessings and be happy for the joy of others than envy, mock at and hurt them? Only in this way can society really be harmonious and people be happier. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

    To be happy to help others:

    People should be ambitious, righteous and kindhearted, and should help and love each other. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

Things That a Gentleman Shall Not Do - To Make Irresponsible Remarks

To make irresponsible remarks: People make irresponsible remarks regardless of the occasion.

The most irritating mindset is that people think they are competent but have no confidence in themselves. (From the volume 1 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

A person lacking vitality, ideals and ability is often full of negative emotions and also gets used to exaggerating the difficulties. (From the volume 3 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

Things That a Gentleman Shall Not Do - To Be Perfunctory

To be perfunctory: Performed merely as a routine duty; perform one's duty in a hasty and superficial manner; and deny responsibility.

Winners may have many differences, but they all do things wholeheartedly. Losers are different from each other, but they all do things half-heartedly. (From the volume 1 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

Most positions of corporate entities are not technically advanced, which means that the work does not necessarily need profound knowledge, but requires people's whole heart. (From the volume 1 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

People having a perfunctory attitude will make much less money and lose a lot of opportunities. Such a negative attitude will badly affect people's development and will bring catastrophic consequences. Perfunctoriness is a poor quality of people. (From the volume 2 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

Things That a Gentleman Shall Not Do – To Deceive Superiors and Subordinates

To deceive superiors and subordinates: It refers to people's behaviors of cheating superiors to earn trust and hiding the fact from subordinates.

We must resolutely eliminate any activities that badly affect the company's operations, such as lying about, concealing, slowing down or deliberately missing out the report of emergencies, major accidents, operating results and data, work performance, contract conditions, financial data and other important information to superiors. We must resolutely eliminate activities, such as suppressing, deceiving and retaliating subordinates, hindering employees' personal development, damaging the internal harmony, or instructing and forcing employees to do things violating the laws and regulations of the State and the company.

Things That a Gentleman Shall Not Do – To seek private interests at the expense of public interests

We must resolutely eliminate activities that cause significant damage to the company, such as abuse of power and malpractices.

We must resolutely eliminate activities in violation of the company's financial regulations, as well as put an end to the activity of embezzling the corporate properties or interests in any illegal means, or the abuse of power to gain private interests at the expense of public interests.

We must resolutely eliminate the activity of accepting and demanding benefits from customers when dealing with customers for the company business, as well as put an end to the activity of seeking profit for oneself or others using the company's resources.

We must resolutely eliminate the activities such as leaking the company secrets and damaging the company interest, taking advantages of the position to conduct intermediary activities for private interests, introducing the company's customers to other companies for private interests, taking a part-time job without the company's permission or conducting any behaviors in conflict of the company's interests.


The Concept of “Competence”

The accurate definition of competence should be that when solving problems, people can first have an accurate judgment on the nature and characteristics of problems, quickly integrate various resources and favorable factors that help solve problems, and then find the best solution to solve problems. (From the volume 1 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)
Talent selection standards: Talent must possess both integrity and ability, and they must be matched with the post.

My point has always been that the arrangement for an employee and the selection of candidates for an important position should first consider the person's competence, otherwise it won't work no matter how obedient this person is. (From the volume 1 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

The requirements for the development of talent: Never too old to learn, and creatively study and apply.

How strong the competitiveness is will depend on how much knowledge is mastered and how effectively the knowledge can be applied to practice. (From thevolume 1 of A Bird's-Eye View of the World)

Five Classes of Employees

The class D employee is mindful of personal gains and losses, the class C employee needs to be guided, and the class B employee focuses on the current situation and looks to the future. The development depends on the class B employee and the work needs to be done by the class A employee.

Class A: They are people who devote themselves wholeheartedly, think about and do their work carefully, and are determined to accomplish something together with the company.

Class B: They are people who really care about the company, treat their work sincerely and do their job in a responsible and organized way. They know that they will also get benefit from the good development of the company.

Class C: They are people who only do whatever they are told to and always wait for orders for work.

Class D: They are incompetent people who only want to take salary but are not interested in working. They do not want to do any work not in their scope.

Class-E: They are saboteurs who always complain, cause troubles, damage team spirit and even help others to hurt the company's interests.